July 21, 2014


The day is finally here!
After many crazy nights and working WAY too much I have finally launched my Etsy Shop, Fezfetti!

I had been planning to do this shop for almost a year. It was one of my more major new year's resolutions, but I gave myself until December to actually do it. I am so excited it is all done and ready to share with you all!

My Designs are all instant download so that means no waiting for shipping! They are all Editable PDFs so you can fill in your information and print all at home! Going the DIY route is a great and easy way to save some cash, keep on budget, and still end up with a beautiful look! It also saves you from any last minute headaches! If you forget something there is no dealing with a printer or designer begging for a rush order. You simply edit and print more yourself!

If you or anyone you know is looking for invitations stop on by my shop and check out my new invitation set Cute & Casual. It is available as individual items and as a full set.

I plan on making more than wedding invitations in the future and leaning toward more nerdy designs! So make sure to favorite my shop or sign up for my blog newsletter on the right to keep updated with new designs as they come out!

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