August 07, 2014

Take Some You Time

Recently I have been overdoing it. I feel like I am working 5 jobs, and in a way I kind of am. I have:
My Full Time job
My Blog
My New Business Fezfetti!
Freelance Side Work
Usual Life stuff that I am surprised I have managed to not slack on, like cleaning, bathing, making food/eating, scooping the cat box.
Oh yeah, and planning a wedding!

Lucky (not lucky) for me my body does this awesome (not awesome) thing when I am overdoing it and it shuts down in a wonderful (not wonderful) variety of ways! Most recently is was a week long migraine, but getting sick and panic attacks are also some of it's favorites to throw at me. So this week I am on vacation going to see the Grand Canyon to take some much needed rest and me time!

But being the planner that I am and inspired by the tendency to take on more than I can handle, I bring you this post I wrote 2 weeks ago.

While not directly wedding related this is crucial to the any large planning process!
Take A Break! Part 2! Take some YOU time!
Just you all by yourself doing whatever makes you happy. It is so important to just stop and take a day from the usual! This is an incredibly hard thing to do for some people, and is something I have always have trouble with. So here are some ideas to take a moment for you!

Schedule it! 
For me if it isn't in my planner it doesn't happen.

Take a relaxing shower or bubble bath
Light some candles, use up those bath fizzes you got for Christmas,  throw them all in at once! Just make sure it feels special.

Take a walk or run
I always feel awesome after I go for a walk, you might be surprised at how it will help you with any thoughts that have been bugging you.

Lock yourself in your room or do whatever it takes so that no one can bug you, then settle in with a good book.

Paint your nails/Do something that makes you feel put together
This one might be different for some people, but when my nails are done I really feel like I have my act together.

Take a "Sick Day" or Vacation
Taking a sick day when you are not sick is a great way to not get sick. Having that extra day to just relax and catch up on to dos or sleep in is refreshing.

Make favorite food or dessert
There is something about ice cream and frozen yogurt that just makes me happy! Having that after one of my favorite meals makes the whole day better no matter what happened.

That is just a couple of my favorites! So go out and treat yourself!

Now it's your turn!
How do you give yourself some much needed you time?

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